
Biggest Leap Yet...Ancestral Journey

You know those dreams you carry with you, the big life dreams that are often spoken with the word "someday"? I've decided to bring someday to the present. And that means I've taken the biggest leap of my life.

On Monday I quit my job so that I can take a pilgrimage to the lands of my ancestors in Europe. I plan to visit Scotland, England, Norway, Sweden, and Germany. Just imagine...the moors, the lochs, the fjords, the forests...the fairies and gnomes and elves...the schnitzel, haggis, and lutefisk...okay, maybe not those last bits.

The purpose of the trip is fourfold:

* to experience and deeply connect with my ancestral lands and observe the affect these lands have on my dreams, my psyche, and my body (in other words, mind, body, spirit, and soul).

* to learn about how people living in my ancestral lands connect with their dreams and the spirits of place.

* to make connections with other Earth- and dream-honoring people in the hopes of building a world-wide network of like-minded souls.

* to create a body of research I can turn into a book or art project that will tell the story of this ancestral pilgrimage.

This journey marks an important turning point in my lifework. I know for certain I will look back on this moment as one time in my life when I said a gigantic YES to myself and the possibility that my life holds. I am excited and nervous and giddy with anticipation.

To help me embark on this journey, I've set up a fund at gofundme.com. Whether you wish to live vicariously through my adventures or you believe in the work I'm doing, I would deeply appreciate any help can give.

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And if you're feeling especially generous, please share my story with your network. And allow me to thank you in advance for supporting me and my work and for reading this blog. I plan to write here while I'm abroad, sharing my journeys. It all begins April 28...

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