My photograph graces the cover of the anthology, which includes the writing of many different scholars who look at the world through the lens of terrapsychology, the study of the interaction between the psyche of the planet/the land/place and the human psyche.
In addition, my paper Embodying the Power of the Storm is one of the chapters included in the book. I feel honored and privileged to be part of this excellent group of writers (some of them were my classmates at JFK!). Accompanying my chapter are a few more of my photographs.
I am grateful to Craig Chalquist, who edited this work, and who first introduced me to terrapsychololgy in his Planetary Psychology class at JFK University. Finding out about this field of study lit a fire under me that has yet to burn out.
Head on over to Amazon and get your copy! You won't be disappointed. It's also available on Kindle.
How wonderful! I can't wait to get a copy.
I'd love to hear your comments after you've read it!
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